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Heavenly harmonies: The Sixteen / XXXIII Ars Cameralis Festival - NOSPR

Heavenly harmonies: The Sixteen / XXXIII Ars Cameralis Festival

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Tickets: 50-60 zł
group photo of the Sixteen ansamble
Eamonn Dougan – conductor
The Sixteen – choral ensemble
Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki (1665–1734)
O rex gloriae, Domine
Asprilio Pacelli (1570–1623)
Gaudent in caelis
Giovanni Francesco Anerio (1567–1630)
Kyrie & Gloria z Missa Pulchra Es
Bartłomiej Pękiel (b.d.–1670)
Ave Maria
Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki
Missa Rorate
Introit (II) – Kyrie & Gloria
Vincenzo Bertolusi (ca. 1550–1608)
Osculetur me osculo
Giovanni Francesco Anerio
Salve Regina
Luca Marenzio (1553–1599)
Missa super Iniquos odio habui
Iniquos odio habui – Credo
Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki
Sepulto Domine
Missa Rorate
Sanctus & Benedictus – Agnus Dei
Marcin Mielczewski (b.d.–1651)
Jubilate Deo
Vincenzo Bertolusi
Ave verum corpus

Concert "Heavenly Harmonies" will be performed by The Sixteen, one of the best ensembles interpreting Renaissance, Baroque and modern choral music. The choir is acclaimed worldwide, and long queues before each concert are the best proof of that. The choir performances are delivered with precision, energy and passion, and for forty-five years The Sixteen has set new standards of virtuosity and musicianship. During the concert in Katowice the choir, conducted by Eamonn Dougan, will perform music from the maestri of the 16th and 17th century Polish Royal Court. The programme includes works by Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki, Asprilio Pacelli, Marcin Mielczewski and Vincenzo Bertolusi.

The Sixteen was formed in 1979 by cathedral chorister and conductor Harry Christophers, and it was built on the best of the British choral tradition. Since the beginning Harry Christophers and The Sixteen have refined their sound and created a distinctive mixture of warmth, clarity, subtlety and nuance. There is no one who could reflect the emotional content of the words and music as well as the artists.

The choir performed at the best music Festivals and on the most prestigious stages worldwide. Since 2000 its annual Choral Pilgrimage allowed the ensemble to perform at Britain’s great cathedrals and abbeys where sacred music is to be heard. In 2001, after the success of the inaugural pilgrimage, The Sixteen launched its record label – CORO. Since then the label created an award-winning catalogue of 200 titles with works by Francis Poulenc, Henry Purcell, James MacMillan, Roxanna Panufnik, Claudio Monteverdi, Bartłomiej Pękiel and Marcin Mielczewski.

The concert takes place within the XXXIII Ars Cameralis Festival. The International Music Festival of Central and Eastern Europe Eufonie and the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice are the concert's partners.

Concert duration (intermission included): approximately 105 minutes

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